Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cover Letter

I would say that I do agree with the advice given. The job market is very crowded, and to get that one job you have to do everything possible to set yourself apart. This apparently includes making a great cover letter on the chance that that possible employer likes your resume. I would have to say that what helped me the most from the tutorial is the sample cover letter because I always learn best when someone shows me an example instead of just telling me. This tutorial really taught me a lot of things that I didn't know, and probably wouldn't have considered. To be honest with you I didn't think that much went into a cover letter, especially that it was suppose to be all about the company. However, when you think about it, it really does make sense because they do already get a grasp of who you are, and if you're interested then you should know a little about them. I also didn't know that the cover letter is the last thing that an prospective employer looks at. Given that it is shown first I would automatically assume it was glanced over first. Basically, I plan to rely heavily on this website because it is actually a great guide to designing your cover letter.

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